2553 Texas Ave S – Suite E

2553 Texas Ave S – Suite E

College Station, Texas 77840

Excellent office space available in the Homestead Center, located on Texas Ave. This space features ample parking, great access and signage, just a short walk to neighboring restaurants and concrete wall construction. Available suites adjoin each other and could be leased together for a total of 3,641 SF. Suite E is a 2,441 SF office space. The space includes lobby, conference room, 7 offices, a breakroom, and lots of storage! Space is available February 1, 2020.

Property Summary

Located on: 2553 Texas Ave. S - Suite EZip: 77840
County: BrazosState: Texas
Type: OfficePrice: $3,950/MO
Status: LeasedTotal Sqft: 2,441
MLS #: 19014638CADR #: 96948

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Property Location

2553 Texas Ave. S - Suite E, College Station, Texas 77840

The property is located 0.2 miles south of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway, directly behind Brown's Shoe Company.


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