6988 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy

6988 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy

College Station, TX 77845

Flexible office location with room for additional building.

Just 3.3 miles to FM 2818 and 5.5 miles to Texas A&M University!

Approximately 1.2 acres of concrete parking.

Rare unrestricted land in close proximity to Texas A&M University.

Property is occupied by church with separate rear entrance to owner’s offices.

Shown strictly by appointment with agent only.

All offers subject to court approval. Listed at percent appraised value.

Property Summary

Located on: 6988 Raymond Stotzer PkwyZip: 77845
County: BrazosState: TX
Price: $750,000MLS #: 22000157
Lot Size: 94,525 SFGross Building Area: 4,184 SF
CADR #: 20258

Useful Documents

Property Location

6988 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, College Station, TX 77845

Starting at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Pkwy and Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, head Southwest for approximately 3 miles. The subject property will be on your right.


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